Tower climber for hire

Providing professional services for the radio amateur

AA1K raises JK Antennas JK403 40-meter yagi on 90-foot Rohn 55 tower in June, 2018.. (Photo courtesy NW3Y)

Ham radio antenna and tower installation, repairs, maintenance. Based in central Delaware, will travel.

More than 40 years climbing experience on amateur radio towers, including Rohn (25, 45, 55, 65, SSV, BX/HBX and more), Trylon, US Tower, AN Wireless, Glen Martin and others. Small and large beams, receive and transmit arrays. Experienced in building, installing and repairing HyGain, Cushcraft, Force 12, SteppIR, JK Antennas and others. CDE, HyGain, prop pitch rotors.

We also do over-the-air digital television (TV) antenna installation, upgrades and repair in central and southern Delaware and nearby.

Licensed, insured. Contact Jon P. Zaimes AA1K:

Rohn 55, 40-meter HyGain Discoverer 3-el stack
Painted Rohn 25 tower for concealment

AA1K on Tower 2, 20-meter stack on Rohn 45

We were on another project in southern New York when the temperature bottomed out around 15 degrees.

Other recent projects have taken us to Arkansas, Kentucky, Georgia, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Read reviews of our tower/antenna work on

Yes, we do tower work all winter long. It was 18 degrees near Poughkeepsie, New York, when we repaired a switch box at 70 feet in December.

(Photo courtesy W2LL)
Add a truss spar to XM240
Bent pin shackles are an elegant solution for insulating steel guys from a tower.
Climbing AN Wireless 90-foot tower in Maryland (N3TTT photo)

Powerpoint slides for AA1K presentation to 2023 Dayton Hamvention Topband Dinner:

AA1K Topband Dinner 2023